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The Delano Neighborhood
Revitalization Plan


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The Delano Plan

Delano's renaissance since the turn of the century is the result of community action at work.

The Delano Neighborhood Revitalization Plan would never have been adopted by the City if not for the work of the Clergy, Neighborhood and Business Associations.

Today, the Plan is implemented by Delano United, Delano's Community Development Corporation (CDC).

The Delano Plan

In 1999, Delano residents, business owners and clergy worked together to develop the Delano Neighborhood Revitalization Plan which lays out plans for future development in Delano.

Future residents or business owners should be aware of the Delano Neighborhood Design Guidelines which are contained in the Plan.

Links from this page

City of Wichita

Jeff Blubaugh

Officer Roddy Winder

Delano CDC

Jim Martinson

Delano Business

(not currently active)

Delano Clergy

Cathy Holley

Delano Neighborhood

Vincent Hancock

Historic Delano, Inc.

Nancy Lawrence
Visitor's Guide
Karen Cravens

Infinite Growth
Opportunities (IGO)

Susan Schoket

Delano Garden
Garden Manager

Delano Farmers' Market
Market Manager

The Delano Neighborhood Revitalization Plan

Copyright 2019 - Historic Delano, Inc.